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Episode 1: Luke 1 | An Angel Foretells Christ's Birth to MaryEpisode 2: Luke 1 | Mary, the Mother of JesusEpisode 3: Luke 1 | Mary and Elisabeth Rejoice TogetherEpisode 4: Luke 1 | The Naming of John the BaptistEpisode 5: Luke 2 | Mary and Joseph Travel to BethlehemEpisode 6: Luke 2 | Shepherds Learn of the Birth of ChristEpisode 7: Luke 2 | The NativityEpisode 8: Luke 2 | Glad Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus ChristEpisode 9: Luke 2 | The Christ Child Is Presented at the TempleEpisode 10: Matthew 2 | The Wise Men Seek JesusEpisode 11: Luke 2 | Young Jesus Teaches in the TempleEpisode 12: Matthew 3 | Jesus is Baptized by JohnEpisode 13: John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into WineEpisode 14: John 2 | Jesus Cleanses the TempleEpisode 15: John 3 | Jesus Teaches of Being Born AgainEpisode 16: John 4 | Jesus Teaches a Samaritan WomanEpisode 17: Luke 4 | Jesus Declares He Is the MessiahEpisode 18: Matthew 4 | Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of MenEpisode 19: Luke 4 | Jesus Heals a Possessed ManEpisode 20: Mark 2 | Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with PalsyEpisode 21: John 5 | Jesus Heals a Lame Man on the SabbathEpisode 22: Matthew 10 | Jesus Calls Twelve Apostles to Preach and Bless OthersEpisode 23: Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The BeatitudesEpisode 24: Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Higher LawEpisode 25: Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's PrayerEpisode 26: Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in HeavenEpisode 27: Luke 12 | Seek Ye the Kingdom of GodEpisode 28: Luke 7 | Jesus Raises the Son of the Widow of NainEpisode 29: Matthew 11 | Jesus Acclaims John the Baptist; Come unto MeEpisode 30: Luke 11 | A House DividedEpisode 31: Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: Parable of the SowerEpisode 32: Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Wheat and the TaresEpisode 33: Matthew 13 | The Parables of the Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, and LeavenEpisode 34: Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Kingdom of HeavenEpisode 35: Mark 4 | Calming the TempestEpisode 36: Mark 5 | Jesus Raises the Daughter of JairusEpisode 37: Mark 5 | Jesus Heals a Woman of FaithEpisode 38: Matthew 14 | The Feeding of the 5,000Episode 39: Matthew 14 | Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?Episode 40: John 6 | I am the Bread of Life: Jesus Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ
Seasons: 2
Jesus Christ goes from being born in a manger to the proclaimed King of the Jews. Walk where He walked, see what He did, and stand where He died. What made Him more than just a man in the eyes of some, but an impostor to others.
Episode Runtime
8 Minutes
First Air Date
Production companies
The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints, YouTube