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Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18Episode 19Episode 20Episode 21Episode 22Episode 23Episode 24Episode 25Episode 26Episode 27Episode 28Episode 29Episode 30Episode 31Episode 32Episode 33Episode 34Episode 35Episode 36Episode 37Episode 38Episode 39Episode 40Episode 41Episode 42Episode 43Episode 44Episode 45Episode 46Episode 47Episode 48Episode 49Episode 50Episode 51Episode 52Episode 53Episode 54Episode 55Episode 56Episode 57Episode 58Episode 59Episode 60Episode 61Episode 62Episode 63Episode 64Episode 65Episode 66Episode 67Episode 68Episode 69Episode 70Episode 71Episode 72Episode 73Episode 74Episode 75Episode 76Episode 77Episode 78Episode 79Episode 80Episode 81Episode 82Episode 83Episode 84Episode 85Episode 86Episode 87Episode 88Episode 89Episode 90Episode 91
Peabody's Improbable History

Peabody's Improbable History


Seasons: 4



Peabody. who happens to be a dog, is the smartest being in existence. He has accomplished many things in his life as a business magnate, inventor, scientist, Nobel laureate, gourmand, and two-time Olympic medalist. Peabody becomes sad and lonely and decides to adopt his own human son. In an alley, he meets Sherman, a bespectacled, red-haired boy. After saving Sherman from a group of bullies, Peabody discovers that Sherman is an orphan and decides to adopt him. After a court appearance and a talk with the President and the government, Peabody becomes Sherman's new guardian. Mr. Peabody tells Sherman not to call him "Daddy" and to call him by his name, "Mr. Peabody", or, when speaking informally, "Peabody". Believing that boys need running room, Peabody invents the WABAC time machine as a birthday gift for Sherman. He and Sherman go back in time to see a Roman speaking in Latin; Peabody adds a translator circuit to the machine so that everyone seems to speak English. They see the Roman again and learn that he is a used chariot salesman. Their next trip is to see Ben Franklin flying his kite that proved lightning was electricity, but Peabody and Sherman discover that they cannot interact with the past. Peabody makes some more adjustments, turning the WABAC into a "should-have-been machine". This causes past events to seem distorted and anachronistic and famous people to behave out of character.



Episode Runtime

Infinity Minutes

First Air Date




Production companies


Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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